
Subterfuge is currently accepting submissions.

Subterfuge (aka subterfusex) was developed in order to provide a space for frank, open, honest discussion of relationships and sex by young women. Though not a community in the traditional sense, it is our hope that Subterfuge will become a touchstone for its readers, assuring them that they are not alone in their thoughts. We work hard to preserve the anonymity of contributors, so that they can feel free to say exactly what they mean.

What We're Looking For

Writing by women, about the nitty gritty of being a woman, relationships, and sex.

We define 'women' as anyone who identifies as female, or is questioning.Our target audience is young women between the ages of 18 and 35. We may accept material from outside this age range, especially if it relates to women in that age range.

We want to hear from virgins and madonnas, the promiscuous and the celibate, homos and heteros, breeders and the barren, social climbers and rat racers, the lost and the found, the seeking and the sought. 

Types of Content
  • Experiences, from all across the spectrum. Any and all variables, particularly religion and socioeconomic variance. Be as explicit or demure as you like. Was it good? Was it not? Are you not sure? What about next time?
  • Opinion, analysis, etc.
  • Current topics and news.
  • Erotica and other forms of creative writing.
  • Discussion of the term feminism and what you think it means.
  • If you're really feeling it, a good old rant.
What We're Not Looking For

  • Your manifesto calling for the end of the patriarchy and a return to goddess-worship.
  • Hardcore erotica-cum-porn that pushes the boundaries of legality. (Be explicit, be bold... don't get anyone in trouble.)
  • Bragging about your wild escapades. Your point is?
  • Denigrating other women for their choices--or mistakes. Or if you must, have a damn good reason and be ready to face the ensuing debate.

Remember to be honest. Your human struggles are extraordinary in and of themselves.

Submission Guidelines

Send us a proposal for the kind of post(s) you want to write. Tell us how long you expect it to be. Also, give us an idea of when you can have it ready.Deadlines keep things moving.

Include a writing sample, at least 200 words in length.

Finally, identify yourself for us. All posts are anonymous, but when you email us you can use your real name or a pseudonym, just give us something to call you. Tell us a tiny bit about who or what you are. For example:
You can call me Daisy. I grew up in Minnesota in a very religious home and now I'm living in New York with my girlfriend. I went to college but I barely make minimum wage.
Finally, indicate if this a one-off submission, or if you would like to be a regular contributor, and in what way.

Send all application materials and questions to (email protected by reCaptcha)

The Editorial Process

That would be us, f and d. We will both read every submission we receive, and respond in a timely manner (we hope). If your proposal is accepted, we will discuss a deadline, and hold you to it. Your draft will be edited for readability, and we will send our edits back to you for approval.

We are also looking for volunteers to help us edit and curate posts.


At this point in time, all contributors must use an alias. We are granting anonymity to all contributors (and ourselves) so our posters can write more freely. You may include a link out to your other projects or home page at the bottom of your posts.

We appreciate that you may wish to use your posts on a resume, in a portfolio, or for class credit. You don't need to ask our permission for that, just provide a link back to us. If your employer or teacher wants proof that this thing is legit, just drop us a line and we'll work something out. We are especially supportive of young writers spreading their wings.

Send all application materials and questions to (email protected by reCaptcha)